Brain Ageing and Behavioural Changes

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Brain Ageing and Behavioural Changes in Dogs

It's important to remember that ageing is a natural part of your dog's life. And as your dog ages, she may begin to act differently. Ageing takes a toll on a dog's entire body, including her brain. This may lead to behavioural changes.

Healthy brain
Healthy Older Brain
Damaged brain
Older Brain with Damage
MRI scans show loss of brain tissue in affected dogs.
Note: MRI scans are not harmful to dogs.

Check the signs that affect your pet and discuss them with your veterinarian.

  • House-soiling accidents

  • No longer "asks" to go outside

  • Doesn't greet family members

  • Does not want attention/petting

  • Does not recognize familiar people or places

  • Does not respond to verbal cues

  • Sleeps more during the day or less at night

  • Appears lost or confused in the house or yard

  • Wanders or paces

  • Stares into space or at walls

Healthy mitochondrian Damaged mitochondrian

To keep your dog acting young and healthy, proper nutrition is important. As your pet ages, continue to feed her foods rich in antioxidants and essential nutrients to keep her active and alert.


Common signs of brain aging

For an accurate diagnosis and treatment options, always consult your veterinarian.

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