Explore the world of dog healthcare with these info-packed articles.

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Tips and Advice

If you're thinking about getting a dog, or have owned one for multiple years, a lot of unanswered dog health questions are bound to come along. Luckily, we've got plenty of answers and dog healthcare tips right here. From various dog diseases and health issues to causes, symptoms and preventative treatments, you can learn more about how to care for your pup by exploring all our dog healthcare advice articles.

Causes of Diseases

Notice a change in your pup? If he begins acting uncharacteristically sluggish or anxious, knowing about various dog health problems and their causes will definitely come in handy. Whether it’s their genetics, breed, age, lifestyle, mental state, behavior or environment, there are many common causes to keep in mind. Start learning about them now so you can give your dog the best care possible.

Signs and Symptoms

Do you know which dog health symptoms you should be taking seriously? Some are extremely noticeable. For example, urinating in the house can often be a sign of kidney or urinary tract issues. But other dog health symptoms aren't so easy to spot, like lethargy that could possibly be a sign of weight or joint issues. Find out which signs and symptoms you should take seriously, and how to properly protect your pup.

Preventative Treatments

It's up to you to keep your dog healthy and safe. From proper nutrition and exercise to medicine and vet check-ups, there are multiple preventative measures you can take to keep your dog from getting sick or injured. Learn more about the multiple precautions and preventative treatments by reading articles about recommended vaccinations, grooming tips, flea and tick medication and more.