Cat Proofing Your Home
Find food that fits your pet’s needs
Find a dog food that fits your pet’s needs
Find a cat food that fits your pet’s needs
Playful and intelligent cats investigate objects by touching, chewing and tasting them. Cats love to explore, but need protection from household items that are dangerous if swallowed.
Dangerous Items to Keep Away From Your Cat:
String, ribbon, yarn, sewing supplies and other small household items
Paper clips, erasers, staples, rubber bands, plastic bags and twist ties
Coins, small board game pieces, fragile keepsakes and ornaments
Medication, vitamins, pill bottles, dental floss, razors and cotton balls
Household and automotive chemicals ("pet-safe" antifreeze is available)
Toxic houseplants, including philodendron, mistletoe and poinsettia
Toxic garden plants, including lily, azalea, daffodil, tomato and hydrangea
More Ways to Keep Your Cat Safe:
Provide cat-safe toys to keep your cat occupied
Use covered rubbish bins in your house and garage
Keep kitchen countertops clean and clear of food items to reduce temptation
Store household chemicals and poisons in a locked cabinet
Keep toilet lids down so your cat can't fall in or drink from the bowl
Keep electrical cords and wires out of sight or secured to walls
Secure dangling blind and curtain cords out of reach
Consider planting Timothy grass or fresh catnip in a stable pot indoors to entice your cat and safeguard ornamental