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Find food that fits your pet’s needs

Find a dog food that fits your pet’s needs

Find a cat food that fits your pet’s needs

Energy-producing nutrients

The nutrients that supply us with energy are carbohydrates, proteins and fat.

Carbohydrate Source
Sugars Fruits
Lactose Milk
Dairy products (milk sugar)
Starches Corn
Slowly fermentable fibre like cellulose Wheat bran
Moderately fermentable fibre Rice bran
Pea fibre
Wheat bran
Rapidly fermentable fibre Apples
Citrus pulp
Guar gum

Simple carbohydrates and starches in foods are used by the body as a source of glucose. As such, they have several major functions, they:

  • provide energy
  • produce heat when they are metabolized for energy
  • can be used as building blocks for other nutrients (e.g., certain amino acids, lactose (the sugar in milk) and vitamin C)
  • provide storage of energy in the form of glycogen or fat

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